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Memoirs of a  Geezer! Reflections and Observations  -- A Bright Passage from the Fantasies of Youth  ...

Saturday, December 16, 2017

An Homage to the Torkey and Its Feast Day!... And "Louies"!

Memoirs of a Geezer!

Reflections and Observations -- A Bright Passage from the Fantasies of Youth 
to Illuminations of Advanced Maturity!

This Episode:      An Homage to the Torkey and Its Feast Day!...  And "Louies"!

Many rotations of the earth round the sun have passed in this geezer's time on the planet, and many fourth Thursdays in November.  Not as many as some, but truly, a lot of them!!  The one just past, for reasons unrevealed, gave rise to memory and a feast perhaps worth recalling, mainly for its extreme oddities and silliness among the annals of Torkeys come and gone.

As too many of us have come to realize, and perhaps dread, that particular feast day is or can be a danger to the human condition, to the digestive tract, the intestines, one's girth.  As young marrieds, SweetHeart and I were committed to two enormous dinners.  To miss one family's output of stuffed bird and cranberry sauce and squash and brussel sprouts and bread and ten different desserts including pumpkin pie that I'd don't much care for...  would have resulted in excommunication from the offended family or shunning or perhaps some form of torture, maybe even death!!

One can only imagine the suffering, for example, of Torkey celebrants from divorced circumstances.  Dinner with two sets of mothers and fathers, possibly four, other family members, aunties and uncles and grandparents still on friendly terms...  exponential Torkey dinners until the diners explode in a great cataclysm of stuffing and partially digested torkey and squash and brussel sprouts and jellied, possibly homemade, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie that nobody really liked... 
Not the exact Giant Nut-Encrusted
Yam Pooder, but a Close Proximity!
Anyway, on one of those fabled feast days, SweetHeart and I -- prior to solidifying our highly intelligent decision to alternate families -- made off to California, Manhattan Beach to be precise, to sup with a group of west coast chums. We anticipated a small table of intimates, but found ourselves at one end of an enormous expanse on which you could have parked a '57 Buick, and quite possibly its garage!

The whole affair began with a kind of psuedo-elegant decorum, all of the diners behaving themselves admirably. And then something happened.  The dinner being a potluck format, everyone contributing a dish, the host presented and then placed upon the table an enormous yam thing covered in chopped nuts. It looked almost obscene.  Every family seems to have a euphemism for human excrement.  Ours was and still in "Pooders."  The giant yam quickly became christened, "The Colossal Person-Eating Yam Pooder Possibly from a Planet of Potato-Shaped Vegetarians"! 

No one would claim ownership of the Yam Pooder.  It became an object of great mirth and derision.  It seemed to overtake and invade the celebrants, like a great body-snatching giant Yam Pooder apparition!! Having entered our collective psyche like a demon zombie suffused with laughing gas, it seemed to precipitate an enormous food fight. Particles of Yam Pooder went flying about the great table, landing in eyes and on noses, in hair and ears!!  Stuffing then went careening throughout the room.  Diners seemed to grow hideous warts, pustules and boils created entirely of cascading Yam Pooder particulates, Stuffing, mashed potato globules and squash projectiles!! Great Gobbles!, what a scene it was!! The hitherto decorum descending into a madness of chaos and bedlam! 

SweetHeart, having witnessed a Yam Pooder particulate "growing" in one of my ears -- and
Above is a stylized image of the
offended Left Ear...  A modern
depiction sans "Louies"!
having long wanted to have me entered somehow into the Guinness Book of World Records -- had an epiphany, an inspiration.  "We must have an exciting assortment of 'Louies' placed into Joel's left ear, maybe the right as well, should the left become completely engorged.  It'll be a Guinness sensation"!!  (For those who may be uninitiated, a "Louie" is something, including a wet finger, inserted into the hapless recipient's ear!)  The celebrants went wild with enthusiastic agreement!

"Do it!," they shouted as if with one great voice of approval! "Do it now!!"

SweetHeart began with a portion of Yam Pooder, inserting a healthy clump of it into my ear.  It was following by stuffing, mashed potato with peas, a bit of turkey, squash, balled up doughy bread...  My ear and head were glutted with food particulates.  I could not longer hear the ensuing laughter and joyous screams of, "More!  More!" 

When it was over, when I had excavated the "Louies" and finally regained hearing in my left ear, then the right, I noted that the uncontrolled hoots of laugbter and delight had not subsided. It was a most memorable occasion, one that the attending diners probably still talk about when supping, napkins tucked into their shirt or blouse collars, hoping dignity will prevail at the dining tables of their personal and separate geezerhoods!

Just in case I never did so during that long-past Torkey extravaganza, I extend warm and sincere thanks to primary hosts, Michael and Suzy, both of whom would probably sooner forget the experience than re-live it!! Nevertheless, my memory is most fond and my gratitude, however ridiculously belated, is truly genuine.  By the by, this year's -- the 2017 Torkey Celebration -- was relatively calm, requiring no food-removing bathing or scraping of edible pustules and particulates from head and body parts!! But, one never knows... wait'll next year!!  

(Special Note of Gratitude and Dedication:  The perpetrator devotes this writing to SweetHeart, Michael, Suzy, Tom, the Knutsens maybe, Carl and all of the other celebrants who populated the enormous Torkey Day table of our youth, that took place sometime in the distant past in Manhattan Beach, California!)

Humbly Submitted, 12-16-17 -- Joel K.   


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Plumbing and the Galumphing Geezer!

Memoirs of a Geezer!

Reflections and Observations -- A Bright Passage from the Fantasies of Youth 
to Illuminations of Advanced Maturity!

This Episode:          Plumbing and the Galumphing Geezer!

"What the heck was that?!!"  I spoke the question in deep sleep, aloud, and it roused me from a haunting and rather violent dream.  People were chasing and shooting at me!  Eventually, conscious and somewhat lucid, I uttered a couple of obscenities, angered at being hurled awake by the nasty and troubling dream at 3:00 o'clock in the (obscenity) morning.  I rose from my turbulent slumber, tripped over the slippers for which I searched and found rather painfully -- having stubbed a few toes! -- and padded to the bathroom, a necessary stumble in any event.

Nothing appeared amiss at first bump, but upon flushing the contrivance, I noted from the obvious lack of proper water-related sound that the commode was functioning improperly.  The tank was not being replenished with water.  Nothing was flowing, not a dribble of anything approaching a sufficient quantity to re-fill the reservoir. I uttered more obscenities as I realized I had to investigate the matter!  I removed certain adornments from the top of the tank cover, and peered fecklessly inside at the thing's wet and repulsive mechanism

I took hold of the polymer tumbler that sits on an edge of the bathtub, and began re-filling the tank manually, cup by cup.  It took a long time to bring the water level up to the proper mark! I returned the tumbler to its usual position at the side of the tub. 
Example of a Polymer Vessel.

As a frugal householder -- cheap, if you like -- I was determined, despite the ridiculous hour in the (obscenity deleted) middle of the night, to ascertain the difficulty.  For an inveterate "Don't-Do-It-Yourselfer-You-Unconscious-Buffoon," it was like opening the hood of an hybrid automobile and expecting mechanical wisdom to penetrate one's brain miraculously!

Inside the tank is a miniature resin, faucet-like device from which water is supposed to emanate into a narrow cylindrical tube from beneath said spout.  That apparently is the system that replenishes the porcelain tank!  No moisture escaped from the device...  Nothing!!

"I wonder if it's the 'float,' " I pondered aloud.  "Maybe I could replace the float, but is that the essence of the difficulty?!" again, aloud, as if the gods of plumbing would materialize and pour instructions into my ear!  "Wait," I mused, "Is there a blockage in the water line?"  I jiggled a few things.  "Hold it," I said aloud, "maybe its an anomaly, and if I flush the business once again, all will function properly!" Nothing! ("Filthy swine of a toilet!!!," I said as I kicked the base of the thing, hurting my toes in the process!  I mumbled additional obscenities!)  

I took hold, again, of the polymer vessel that sits on an edge of the bathtub, and began re-filling the tank manually, cup by cup.  It took a long time to bring the water level up to the proper mark...  again! 

At about 4:00 in the morning, having spent an hour investigating the difficulty, I accomplished nothing! Then I had an epiphany!  "Had my brain been properly engaged," I pondered aloud...  I often speak to myself as if I'm twin geezer idiots... "I might have covered the 10 paces to a kitchen cupboard and found a pitcher, filling it from the more robust spigot in the bathtub, thus
re-filling the toilet tank far more quickly and efficiently!"

Alas, that thought occurred to me only after an hour's worth of feckless fidgeting, jiggling parts and filling the tank with seemingly endless cups of water from the far less energetic bathroom sink spigot!  I shuffled back to bed, somehow dropped off to slumber and had a nightmare about clogged drains, recalcitrant plumbing devices and treading water in a vast sea of angry, storm-ravaged flooded lavatories!!  Gasping, sinking, gasping...  Help!!

The following morning, undaunted, I hauled my tool box from our home's lower regions up to the bathroom, considered the problem carefully, looked stupidly at toilet, then at toolbox...  In the end, I did in fact employ a more suitable tool -- I telephoned the plumber!!  What a triumph...  only $120.00 later...!  (I should have watched to see what he did to fix the foolish damn thing!!)    

Upon relating the story to SweetHeart, she reminded me of other "Proud Moments" in my "Fit-It-Yourself-You-Incompetent-Dolt" career!" Such as...  Earlier on in our married life, SweetHeart's mother surrendered a 1974 Chevrolet to us. Certain things in that vehicle didn't
This model looks far more handsome
than the automobile I "fixed"!
quite work properly. I peered under the heavy green hood, and began to "fix" stuff. I clipped some extraneous wires, removed a few unneeded parts...  The air conditioner stopped working, strangely. "Why doesn't the horn honk?" I asked SweetHeart during one of our uncomfortably warm auto outings! SweetHeart didn't merely request, but rather demanded that I never again attempt to "repair" our automobiles.

(The Diesel engine "Rabbit" we owned had to be taken behind the garage and "shot" -- well, figuratively, sort of -- following my attempt to replace the "glow plugs"!  I should always listen to SweetHeart and stay the hell away from any automotive part that is not situated inside the seating area...  that, too, with circumspection!!)  

(Special Note of Dedication and Gratitude):  The perpetrator devotes this writing primarily to the beautiful, delightful, talented and much-loved Bethie, who wisely and graciously recommended that I immortalize in print what began as an "oral tradition" narrative.  And to Alie, who suggested I use the ridiculously stilted language that I employed in the verbal telling of the "Toilet Tale."  And to SweetHeart who reminded me to include certain "automotive adventures" in which the perpetrator has been known to stumble!  The latter two personages are equally beautiful, delightful, talented and much-loved as well!!)       


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Festival of Films... Another Extraordinary Milwaukee Film Fortnight + 1!

Memoirs of a Geezer!

Reflections and Observations -- A Bright Passage from the Fantasies of Youth 
to Illuminations of Advanced Maturity!

This Episode:      Festival of Films...  Another Extraordinary Milwaukee Film Fortnight + 1!

All of us, all human beings, I'm guessing, at times waft along on breezes of fantasy, subsuming ourselves in romanticized visions of unattainable goals. Films, especially those of great Film Festivals, spawn the breezes of imagination that carry us off to dreamy landscapes, passports  of our imaginations.  Anyway...  I admit it! I tend to drift off into forests of cacti and big skies. 

The recently concluded Milwaukee Film Festival, 2017 Edition, served its devotees a banquet of outstanding and delicious food for thought and fuel for conversation. For me, having lived and worked in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, even Washington State, I was roped in and nourished, for example, by The Ballad of Lefty Brown, our opening course, and far more than a "small plate" appetizer!

Unexpectedly, disarmingly, Lefty, a wizened and bewhiskered, *Gabby Hayes-like sidekick becomes the hero of the piece in a Western morality tale that offers it all -- gunslinging killers, vigilanteism, sweeping Montana vistas, clomping hooves, a two-gun-sporting "green" kid and eventual retribution.  Great fun! An excellent performance by Bill Pullman.  I couldn't quite score it a five, but rather a "high 4-1/2"! My fascination with the Western is likely due to the real and would-be
cowboys I've known. I'm addicted to them, Westerns, that is, and equally to the cowboys who populate the West and my own memories, experiences...  and imagination! Recommendation #1!

Rolling along from Montana to the desert country of California, not in any order of attendance, Lucky -- and not the same genre as Lefty -- is a film that celebrates longevity, and the too often marginalized and largely ignored season of Old Age. Many in society who have not reached that plateau of life, tend to regard older people as having no past, no identity, no history, simply "oldness" (GeezerHood, maybe??!).  

Lucky reveals it eponymous character -- a terrific performance by the now past-tense, Harry Dean Stanton -- in layers or stages, in my unschooled opinion.  Lucky is introduced and identified to the viewer, not as an used-up old man, but as a richly invested and multi-faceted personality, revealing him, in a sense, layer by layer until we learn something of his history, his flaws and strengths, his longings...  with a few remarkable surprises along the journey.  For what it's worth, another Recommendation!

It's true! Manifesto is a thought-provoking series of manifestos, often comic, each delivered by one of a series of Cate Blanchett's in different roles, as different personae, different appearances.  The dinner table and media segments are wonderful. Potential viewers -- as well as those of us who actually viewed this film at the Festival -- may wish to read about it through
reviews and synopses. The film's terrific, as is its star, if quite unusual, at times cryptic... depending upon one's understanding of the manifestos presented!

(I must set my hand to a manifesto of my own. Something long and tedious, perhaps devoted to my great fondness for the art of foolishness! I'll keep you informed...)

Back to the main subject, sort of...  I've always wanted a goat. My mom wouldn't get me one, so movies had to suffice...  Bad Lucky Goat (for example)... combines humor, colorful characters, a bit of suspense, a pair of bickering siblings, ultimate reconciliation through cooperation, and of course a wonderful bearded member of the "Bovidae" genre of animals -- Vincent Van Goat to be precise. The language is Creole
and the setting is a beautiful island belonging to Colombia! Were it not for Milwaukee's great Festival, don't know where else one could enjoy such a delightful movie on the "Big Screen." And, this film helps to carry the major theme, "GeezerHood" -- you know, Old Goats sharing wisdom and useful information! (No goat was harmed in the making, by the by!)  Recommendation #4!

I could go on for pages and pages with this thing, but you may already have stopped reading, so I'll "review" a film or two more, and then no more after that! Rat Film, for example. The title may not compel many viewers to this exceptionally good and highly symbolic vehicle, but see it
if you can! Set in Baltimore, it's a commentary on "redlining" and "ghettoizing" disadvantaged citizens in a manner that will and should shock the viewer. It is a great film. The symbolic comparison between Baltimore's rats and a specific population of its citizens is disturbing and informative. It should be required viewing for every American citizen greater in age than, say, 12 years.  Highly Recommended!

One more! -- This year's "Super Secret Screening" -- a bonus film for Milwaukee Film Members -- was Visages et Villages (Faces and Places, if you'd like an English translation!). And it is always a surprise. The film is a collaborative effort between fabled, 89-year-old film artist, Agnes Varda, and "JR," described as a renegade French graffiti artist turned outsize street photographer. Together, they profile ordinary citizens,  
photograph them and place their enormous images on unusual "canvasses." I found the film a bit disappointing on some levels, but a visual treat. What the hell! I'm no film critic, but like any wandering buffoon or possible philistine, I'm entitled to an opinion. I'd recommend it, though, if only for the French scenery and the towering (or huge reclining...) images. JR's unusual "photo truck" alone is a marvel to behold!

[ For those more interested in reading books than viewing films, below are images of fine reading material you may wish to explore, and a few resources for securing copies:  www.amazon.com; www.powells.com; www.barnesandnoble.com; www.booksamillion.com. Optionally, you can purchase a hard or printed copy of Good Night to All the Beautiful Young Women...
at Woodland Pattern Book Center, Locust Street in Milwaukee, WI, The Little Read Book in Wauwatosa, WI, or even Paperbacks in Cocoa (Village), Florida!  Thank you, and good night, or perhaps good day (depending on when you choose to view this latest edition of Memoirs of a Geezer!) ]   

* George "Gabby" Hayes (1885 - 1969), perennial sidekick of Western movie heroes. He played the "grizzled codger" sidekick to Hopalong Cassidy, Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, Wild Bill Elliot, even Randolph Scott (six times) and John Wayne (15 times)! (I do a fine imitation of "Gabby" if anyone's interested! ) 

Humbly Submitted, 10-17-17 -- Joel K.
(I mean, gosh, it's been a while since I 
promoted my "library" of fine  literature!)



Saturday, September 23, 2017

Communiques from the E-World... Fascinating Stuff? Scary, Sometimes...!

Memoirs of a Geezer!

Reflections and Observations -- A Bright Passage from the Fantasies of Youth 
to Illuminations of Advanced Maturity!

This Episode:      Communiques from the E-World...  Fascinating Stuff?  Scary, Sometimes...!

I get terribly important messages via electronical media. I suppose we all do! For example, I got an E-message from the world's oldest living porn star! It contained, or suggested to divulge, certain "secrets" that allow the aforementioned to remain active in his chosen profession! I didn't read it, preferred not to assimilate the alleged "secrets."

In the full bloom of "Geezerhood," I continue to enjoy employment in my two professions as free-lance writer and marketing aficionado (sort of!?). I receive lots of E-Correspndence, some of them desirable, many that actually relate to my work! But...  so I shouldn't have to do any real work for the rest of my life, a great glut of such E-Notes offer "fabulous wealth-generating" opportunities. Here's an example:

"Joel, for gosh sake, don't be a fool!:  (Typically, senders have the cheek to call me by my given name! What? Do they think we're intimate chums already?!!) What's the matter with you?  You're passing up $397.00 a minute with this once-in-a-millenium chance! Only four spots remain!  Don't miss out! Watch this 'brief and informative' video now... Do it, for pity sake!!  Do It Now!!" (Apologies. I may have paraphrased just a little...) 

I've been tempted to watch one of those videos, but they're so long and tedious. And at the end, I'm certain they'll want great heaps of money via one's credit card or electronic funds transfer or money order or ACH or "I can easily suck it out of your account if you'll just give me your routing and account numbers... Trust me!..." or maybe, "Meet me on the corner of 37th and Babble and hand over only $632.57...  and you, you lucky stiff, can be one of the chosen! A brand new billionaire in minutes!! I'll be wearing a Tyrolean hat and lederhosen..."    So far I've demurred!

I think the E-World is on to my plunge into"GeezerHood." Probably the presumption of decrepitude!  "Joel, we've been trying to reach you! This pill unlocks the power of your brain." Some E-notes offer to make me "Erect on Demand."  One's headlined, "BootyBox!" I'm afraid to open that one. "Meet hot elderly singles near you!" "This is the end of Viagra...  Don't take it again..."  Or, "Five signs that you'll die of a heart attack soon...  but don't be alarmed, just take these miracle capsules...  Ten easy payments...  You'll outlive your sea turtle!!..."  

I'm not sure if they're trying to frighten me to death or cure me of something I may have contracted and not be aware of... They seem to be disappointed and angry if I'm not dying of something profoundly horrible!!  

Oh!  And they have brides from foreign countries for ancient geezers.  Doesn't matter if you're half dead, only that you have the cash to import a few and marry them! (I wonder if they send along interpreters?) 

Yes, and of course I really enjoy the telephone pitches...  Here's one (Mobile phone chirps loudly!):

Me:  "Yes, hello."
Biff:  "Joel, this is Biff!  How are we doing, today?"
Me:   (I don't reply)
Biff:  "Wouldn't you like a great deal of money to pay off your student loans! How are you
today, by the by?"
Me:  "I'm old.  I'm highly educated. I don't want any money for more schooling."
Biff:  "You could be a dental hygienist...  clean teeth!  A plumber! Plant engineering, medical records coding, technical stuff..."
Me:  "I'm self employed.  I don't want to be a plumber.  My back hurts...  no interest in tooth cleaning; people have smelly breath!"
Biff:  "Betcha you'd make heaps more money!... Tree surgery? Uber? big bus operator?...  You'll qualify easy!"
Me:  "Do you have brain surgery by correspondence?"
Biff:  (click!)

There are certain programs SweetHeart and I really enjoy on television.  We have cable. We tend to gravitate to PBS, science and animal programs. British programming... good mysteries. We don't have nor do we want "premium channels." Doesn't matter...  

Dirk:  "Joel, how are you today.  This is Dirk. Do you have cable television?
Me:  "I'm happy with what we have, Kirk."
Dirk:  "It's Dirk. I can save you big money. When are you available for an installation?"
Me:  "Never. We'll soon be leaving the country."
Dirk:  "I could be there tomorrow morning.  Eight-hundred-fifty channels! Endless football... Three DVR's... A nifty dishy antenna...  very attractive...  How do you like your hamburgers?"
Me:  "Are the first two years free, Kirk?"
Dirk:  "Dirk!"  (A long pause...) 
Me:  "Kirk??...  Hello?..."
Dirk:  (click!)

Well, one mustn't grumble. I get several offers every day to make me enormous gobs of money
for doing practically nothing and I never have to leave home until I'm dead. Pills for ED and brain re-generation, walk-in tubs, fashion apparel like pre-destroyed jeans, Depends, hip replacements, hair re-growth formulas, re-finance deals, sweepstakes, free money from the government, travel the entire world for pennies!, clinical trials, oils, ointments, balms for sagging jowls, green juices, Dr. Fungus, crepey skin stuff, Gummy Dope chewies...  Doncha just love it??!! Keep those E-Cards and E-Letters coming! Wonderfully entertaining, and anyway, hardly anyone I know calls anymore!... (Probably too busy with their own E-stuff!) 

I'm hoping somebody'll telephone and offer me one of those, "Hey Joel...  Make $542.00 a day without ever leaving your bed!  All you need is a computer or a flippy smartyphone... Work just maybe 10 or 15 hours a week. No need to view a long tedious video.  It's easy!  It's fun!  We'll even pay all your startup fees!! How much do YOU want to make every day of your right now humdrum, boring and tedious life?  Excitement, Joel, big money!! Are you ready to sign?..."     

Humbly Submitted, 09-23-17 -- Joel K.




Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Art of Making Great Gobs of Money... Spending It Wisely...!!

Memoirs of a Geezer!

Reflections and Observations -- A Bright Passage from the Fantasies of Youth 
to Illuminations of Advanced Maturity!

This Episode:    The Art of Making Great Gobs of Money...  Spending It Wisely...!!  

The famous Pier at Cocoa Beach.  Good food, shops,
volleyball, fish, big waves...  swimming, more shops, beer!
I have no idea how to make great gobs of money! It's a concept that's eluded me most of my life.  However, I know a few people who have or still do make great piles of the stuff.  But that's not the point.  This piece is really about taking holidays or vacations affordably, inexpensively...  you know, on the cheap (if and when possible...  sadly, many lack the necessary financial privileges...)!  So I figured the title might be provocative enough to generate some readership...  maybe?!?
The Rocket's Tail...  Up There!...
Above Our Heads!!  

In July of this year, for example, we spent a week in Florider. You know the place... where every other transplant Flaridian from the Eastern Seaboard is wearing a loud, flowery tunic or a moo moo.  On our first full day in the Sunshine (about 90 or more degrees of glorious heat!), we actually witnessed a rocket launch, right from the sandy shores of Cocoa Beach -- not the rocket launching from that beach, but our viewing point of said rocket! -- where SweetHeart's cousin (with siblings!) owns a condominium.  She, a sweet and generous soul, allows us to rent the place quite affordably, for which we are most grateful.  The rocket launch was a thrilling thing to behold.  It departed the earth from Cape Kennedy Space Center, some 15 or so miles north of Cocoa!

I waived stupidly at the thing, as if expecting some lunatic riding on its nose to waive back.  "Give our regards to Jupiter," I hollered fecklessly! SweetHeart took pictures, or was it our Sweet Alie...?!       
The actual rocket that flew on July 5th
launched from Cape Kennedy...
It carried a communications satellite! 

And a couple of days later, we went boating on the Banana River, a 30-mile-long lagoon fed by the Atlantic and other sources.  Captain Quinn was the boat master, a seasoned and well-schooled Skipper who knows where to find manatees and dolphins!  Wonderful day on the water!  Not terribly expensive.  Oh, and he offers a bit of fishing and shell collecting...  beautiful conch shells in the main, collected from a small island! Alie, Tad, Coen, Lucy, SweetHeart and I thoroughly enjoyed the voyage!   
Tug fully restored for quick sale!

"What's that place?" I asked at one point during the cruise.  
"Oh...  that's a boat, barge and tug rehab center," the captain answered.  "They install a huge inflatable balloon-like device under the barge or boat to be rehab'ed, and then they sort of roll it onto the shore of that island we're looking at to begin repairs and rebuilding.  It's quite an amazing technology." 
I responded: "Something akin to what pyramid builders used, I reckon, eh?!" 
SweetHeart and I tend NOT to gravitate to the more obvious, "family" and "child-oriented" touristy destinations. We prefer "Eco-Tour Travel and Eco-Adventures." On one of our visits to Mexico, we learned about the "Sian Kaan Biosphere Reserve!" Extraordinary place! We get bussed to a jumping off point near Tulum, board an open boat and then race across a surprisingly large lagoon. As we approach what looks like land fall, most of us "crew members" are terrified of crashing into said land fall because we aren't slowing...  the pilot does slow eventually and takes us through a serpentine channel into another enormously large lagoon... (Several passengers have near seizures...  gasping...  mumbling...!)

We speed across that lagoon at the same insanely urgent pace, and finally come to a halt at a pier or wharf. We disembark and all of us don life jackets.
"What are we doing here?" I ask.
"We're going for a swim," answers our superb Mexican guide, one "Quetzalcan," also known as "Kukulkán Quetzal." He's a citizen of Mexico, a product of Chilean and Argentinean parentage, a fine-looking and splendidly well-informed individual, a delight in whose company and tutelage we enjoy the entire adventure!
We didn't see those fish...  We might
have if the boat had slowed down!

But I digress...  We then plunge into a smaller body of water. It's steady, modest, a "few kilometers-per-hour" current floats us pleasantly along a narrow and beautiful channel through mangroves, past verdant vegetation.  The entire "float" lasts about half an hour. We swim over at least one manta ray and many tropical fish before coming at last to a wooden pier. We then climb onto the pier connected to a long board walk that leads us through bogs and prairie back to the place at which we first took the plunge! A remarkably fine Eco-Tour, a truly beautiful experience!!

Back on the bus, we motor off to Muyil, site of a well-preserved Mayan ruin, consisting of an  enormous castillo,  temples, dwellings... where we wander about listening to our guide's presentation of the site's history and preservation efforts. And then a traditional Mexican feast at a seaside restaurant follows. In all, a truly magnificent day's outing!!  

In Door County, Wisconsin, a more recent adventure, we witnessed the solar eclipse from
An actual eclipse as seen from special
glasses that enable viewers to see
the spectacle safely! 
Newport State Park. The special glasses were in extremely limited supply, but the "eclipse-niks" with whom we shared the experience were exceptionally thoughtful and generous, each sharing glasses with her or his fellow viewer. And what a sight it was, the eclipse, that is! 

Bethie, Seany, Phi Phi, SweetHeart and I shared an old log cabin in Ephraim, dark interior but welcoming, commodious and comfortable. We swam in the waters of Green Bay at a beach in Sister Bay. The younger travelers kayak'ed and paddle boarded. We biked for 10 miles in Peninsula State Park, to Nicolet Bay Beach and back to the Fish Creek entrance. Oh, and we ate a lot at DC's many fine dining establishments, including Julie's, Wild Tomato, La Puerta and others! (I believe I may have contracted permanent indigestion and breath issues!!)  

Following a brief but beautiful cruise aboard one of the County's fabled passenger and auto ferries -- this trip aboard the Arni J. Richter, I believe! -- Elaine and Jim introduced us to some of the attractions on Washington Island we had previously not experienced -- School House Beach (one of the very best locations for skipping stones!!), the Art and Nature Center, a newly refurbished 100-plus-year-old hotel, the grounds and site of the annual Lavender Festival...  Much more to that island on the other side of Death's Door (or is it actually floating in Death's Door?) than one can imagine.  The ferry ride back to the mainland was equally enchanting, if a bit brisk for some voyagers! 

If there's a point to this piece (What? Finally...?), it's the idea that one can enjoy relatively modest travel adventures to destinations that are affordable and not so far off as to bankrupt the traveler.  Particularly important, delightful and gratifying is travel with one's family members, viewing the sights and sounds through the "fresh eyes" of children and those for whom the experience is brand new, fun-filled and exhilarating. The larger point?  Travel is among the best medicines to maintain healthy Geezerhood!! Dog or cat therapy is another...!! 

Oh! Almost forgot another "must" destination for a great many DC devotees: Wilson's! They have ice cream -- like peppermint stick and "Cookie Doug" -- popcorn too! It's in Ephraim.  Some ice cream consumers fancy flavors such as blue moon and caramel collision, I'm told! (Asked to hold onto cones by certain smaller persons who race to use the area "jungle gym," I find that Blue moon has a tendency to drip and leave stains on a person's white sockies! Stickiness too! I prefer the popcorn!)  

(Special Note of Dedication:    The perpetrator dedicates this posting to his beloved traveling companions...  SweetHeart, Alie, Bethie, Tad, Coen, Seany, Lucy and Phi Phi, Rob and Sue, without whose companionship the aforementioned travel adventures would not be nearly as rewarding, laugh-filled or suffused with delights, discoveries and edification, even!! I once learned about "dirty grids" during a particular travel experience, but that's a subject for another story entirely!  Thank you, and Good Day, Good Night and Happy Traveling!!)    

Humbly Submitted, 08-29-17 -- Joel K.