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Memoirs of a  Geezer! Reflections and Observations  -- A Bright Passage from the Fantasies of Youth  ...

Friday, January 10, 2020

An Admirable Life; A Treasure to Cherish!

Reflections and Observations -- A Bright Passage from the Fantasies of Youth 
to Illuminations of Advanced Maturity!

This Episode:    An Admirable Life; A Treasure to Cherish!

I wonder if it's true??  As we age, as we "step lightly" into the Golden Era of GeezerHood, do we ponder about, let our thoughts preoccupy and dote less on ourselves, and far more about
those good people in our spheres of friendship and family?  I hope that's the case, as selflessness is an attribute for which we should actively and consciously strive! Doncha Think?     

Here's a case in point.  There's a young woman I know...  I'll call her Beth, sometimes, more affectionately, Bethie!  She's a treasure in my life, a gift, brave, strong and remarkably resourceful.   She's a grown woman, and this story focuses on her life in adulthood.
Apologies for the unwanted
jwording ust above, or, just below
theimage of the Graduate!!
Thank you!

She earned a BA degree, subsequently a Master's Degree,  and became an educator in various organizations before joining a high school English Department.  Sadly, because, it seems, too many of our elected officials apparently believe that corruption and mediocrity are the attributes needed to blunder into public office, the teaching profession became marginalized.  Worse -- arguably perhaps the only profession that has the power to cure all of society's ills -- teachers, and education generally, were stripped of important rights and benefits in our state, and others as well.  Government officials can be and are, far too often, fatuous, insipid and outrageously short-sighted! 

Beth eventually left her teaching career and, following some other professional forays, joined a company in the IT field, and became a trainer, succeeding admirably.  She left that position after being courted by a stronger organization.  She was termed a valued and much sought-after "unicorn," her previous employer suggesting that she was merely "lucky" to be considered for a move into sales and marketing.  Today she thrives in her current
employment, and continues to be regarded as and is a highly valued asset, one whose future shines brightly.

Along life's pathway, Beth married -- back in 2004 -- but divorced about 11 years into the marriage.  She and her husband were simply not well matched, and the two parted amicably, having produced two remarkable children, whom they cherish, and of course share in separate lives and households.  A free spirit, Beth has charisma, great exuberance, a lively personality...   attributes her family would not part with for any bribe or promise.

Her children, now 12 and 10, they, Beth and and her parents enjoy frequent get togethers and travels.  She and the kids are delightful, fun and silly, the latter a trait her family prizes highly.  On a trip to Florida -- just to cite examples -- her son and "Papa," the grandfather, swam daily in the pool and played lots of games, including "elevator," amid squeals of laughter.  Romped like carefree fish in ocean waves as well.  Both children are excellent swimmers.  On one memorable occasion, Beth's daughter and Papa sat on the 
balcony, overlooking the sea.  Asked how she was enjoying Florida and various adventures therein, the young girl expressed her answer using the word "very" roughly 1,000 times.  Papa counted the "very's."  Funny stuff...  I mean, to those of us with silly bones! 

Just this past year, Bethie always thoughtful and generous, treated her parents to a week in that very popular northeastern peninsula, a holiday filled with great fun and too much good eating.  You know, like pizza, a rare treat for the parents, if not for the other members of the vacationing quintet!  We swam,
swan-dove, boated, biked and generally frolicked our way through a week of adventure.  Relaxing, renewing...   (Well, for the most part!!!...  Holidays can be taxing, sometimes required a long rest following the holiday!!)

I hope I've done justice to the subject of this writing, to someone I love more than I can adequately express...   my daughter, Bethie.  True, I'm quite proud of her and all that she's accomplished, all that she is and has become!  But being proud, I've long thought, is more a means of self congratulation.  Far more importantly, and perhaps a better way to praise, I'm filled with admiration for her, for her strength, her courage her determination. As a single parent, she's a champion.  As a soccer player, she's also a champion, come to think upon it.  

As you, Beth, continue along life's tricky pathways, I know you'll always choose the right way, the best course for you and those you love, the true pathway that leads to happiness and success, self fulfillment and genuine gratification for all whose lives you touch.  Oh yeah...  Hope you and SLC have a great weekend together!!! 

Humbly Submitted, 01-10-20 -- Joel K. 



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