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Memoirs of a  Geezer! Reflections and Observations  -- A Bright Passage from the Fantasies of Youth  ...

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Volunteering / Participating at The School...!!...


Memoirs of a Geezer

Reflections and Observations -- A Bright Passage from the Fantasies of Youth to Illuminations of Advanced Maturity!

This Episode:          Volunteering / Participating at The School...!!.....

    Now when was it?  Maybe two, three years ago?!  Maybe?...  Just to be clear, GeezerHood had already made its presence known in my being...  Had already appeared, to put it another way!  Our friend, Cathy, telephoned with a "remarkable" offer!  (I use the adjective sort of "Tongue in Cheek" style!...)   
(But wait, there's more, and it's all really positive and uplifting too!!)
Apparently people caught a lot of White
Fish here throughout the community's
history*...  Maybe still do!  And cafes 
serve whitefish dishes too, we told!
(* Meaning, of course, in the Big
Lake that forms its Eastern Border!)

    "Hi," said she, "You two would be a perfect fit for North Shore School for Seniors!  Ever hear of it?  The school is headquartered at a church nearby, United Methodist Church of Whitefish Bay, at the head, sort of, of downtown Whitefish bay...  where Lake Drive apparently ends, but then turns right at a traffic light...  go straight at the light and you're in the heart of downtown..."  
(Our friend is the Executive Director of NSS4S!)

"Not interested," said I.

"Yes we are," said SweetHeart.

We began as Volunteers, quickly becoming "Chief (and, dare one say) Executive" Volunteer Coordinators.  

"You've been unanimously selected as our principal Volunteer Coordinators," said Cathy, enthusiasm, like gold leaf, embellishing her words of pure delight (not to mention clever conscription strategy!).  "And, oh yes, the existing board voted for you as well!  You are also our newest Members of the Board of Directors"!  

"Gosh," we gushed in unison, "Board Members too!!  Great leaping anacondas!  Imagine..."  She failed to mention that only if we hadn't been actually breathing beings we might have been turned down for the latter superb honor that was (un-?) ceremoniously heaped upon us!!

Perhaps I'm being a bit sarcastic, or should the correct word be...   sardonic?  Truth is, we blended into the role with delight, perhaps not as far down the road to the destination...   BLISS!  Not right away, anyway!

In time, however, now some time and experience having passed, we, SweetHeart and I, have indeed embraced the roles we were offered, or should I say, thrust, co-op'ted, um...   "forced" into out of friendship, sense of duty, nothing we could do about it...  too timid to say NO...  (See Paragraph Three!)...  

In truth, we have come to enjoy the school, our 
NSS4S welcomes students / 
participants of any and all age
groups!  Register Today...
at:   www.nss4s.org!
roles, the wonderful people we've met -- including students, of course -- and the overall adventures of Learning, Having Fun, Making New Friends!!!  Our fellow volunteers are quite wonderful, and committed (or should be??...  A bit of humor thrown in to lighten the mood, of course!!  We mustn't get too serious around here!!) 

The school (and its class sessions, needless to add...!) occurs every Monday and every Tuesday for four consecutive weeks (Term One), then continues for four more weeks (Term Two).  There's a Fall session, and then a Spring session, the latter also consisting of Two Terms!  Classes are held -- some 60 of them -- on Mondays and Tuesdays, September through dates in October, and then comes "Term Two" that begins and ends on dates in November!  The Spring Sessions?...  (To Be Announced!  Stay Tuned, Stay Current, you Lucky Students!!  And we do mean Lucky, as the classes offered are truly diverse and...
NSS4S Instructors are
not so intimidating...
They are kind, intelligent and 
committed to offering our 
wonderful students / 
participants outstanding
and enlightening 

We don't usually offer 
obscure languages, but if
requested...  One never knows!
...outstanding, with equally
Outstanding Instructors personally on hand, that is, personally present to edify, enthrall and often fascinate!!)...   

Examples of Classes Offered:    Learning Cribbage, America's Founding Documents, Exercise Classes, Poetry, Art, History, Milwaukee's Outstanding Art Museum and the Exhibits it Offers, Thomas Jefferson's Wisconsin Connection, Writing Family Stories, Knitting, Languages for Beginners, and So Much More...  It's True!!  

And, NSS4S has an excellent web site -- www.nss4s.org -- visit the site today, now, right away...  What are you waiting for, for Pete's Sake??!!  You can register for classes right there, OnLine...  Thank you for your kind attention to this introduction to North Shore School for Seniors!  Are you registered yet??!!  

(Special Note of Dedication:    ...For our Instructors, many of whom are well know in educational and professional Circles, our Outstanding and Devoted Volunteers, and, of course, our equally Outstanding and Committed Student / Participants! We thank you all profusely and most sincerely!!)

Submitted 09-26-2024 -- Joel K

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